Happy Monday one and all! Hope you had a wonderful weekend? We certainly did. We spent Saturday at my brother's house with their brood of children plus mine plus my nephew visiting from France and ended up having a yummy barbeque. Then Sunday we went to the 4th birthday party which was so much fun, the boys all had a ball as did we catching up with all our friends and their little ones.
Today's been hectic, we had a viewing on our house so I've been rushing around with a dusting cloth in hand and then dashing off to Joseph's sports day. He has mild Dsypraxia so is never probably going to win the running race but he has come on leaps and bounds (pardon the pun) since he began school back in September so it is a huge achievement for him and we celebrated with ice-creams all round afterwards.
So Happy Monday and here's hoping for some creative time tomorrow!
Hope you are having a great week and the viewing went well!
Oh, little darling..well done on your Sports Day. And what a lovely mummy celebrating with icecream! Big kiss from me..Rachaelxx
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