Saturday, 24 July 2010

A Good Day's Shopping

Well we had a fun family day shopping today! First stop was a local bi-annual antiques fair (there is also a lot of bric a brac there but that's what makes it so exciting), we bought a lovely painted sideboard for our new master bedroom and bumped into my sister-in-law laiden down with an odd assortment of applecrates and an old chandelier. She'd been there for 5 hours and this was her third trip back to the car to drop her finds off!
We then went onto the shopping centre where we bought Joseph some much needed sandals now school is out for summer and I found some great sale bargains in Reiss for our upcoming holiday!
Kansas was £89 now £40
Shadow was £79 now £27
Garda was £45 now £24
All this shopping has made me very tired now though so I'm going to pack the children off to bed and have a nice cup of tea! Hope you are all having a great weekend x


Kellie Collis said...

Oh darling colour choices too!! Thanks for coming by Ada & Darcy this week. Hope you are having a delightful weekend! Kellie xx

leanne said...

Thanks Kellie! I'm looking forward to wearing them.
I always stop by Ada & Darcy as it's so utterly gorgeous! X

A Room For Everyone said...

That sounds heavenly..Any antiques fairs here would be sadly lacking..we're just too young a country to have much interesting stuff! Rachaelxx

leanne said...

Well you need to make a trip over Rachael, you'd be there all weekend, there's so much to see. Not sure how you would get it all home though...!